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OCTOBER 22-23, 2024

Webinar Opportunities

For Vendors of the Business Continuity and Emergency Management Communities

Companies are searching for new ways to increase visibility. WEBINARS are a measurable way to reach a target audience to generate and connect with NEW CUSTOMERS.

J&J Expos has a fully qualified list of 4,000 Canadian Emergency Management and Business Continuity professionals.

EMERGENCY MANAGEMENT & FIRST RESPONDER  2,500 professionals  $2,500
EMERGENCY MANAGEMENT PLUS *  4,200 professionals  $4,200
BUSINESS CONTINUITY & RISK MANAGEMENT  2,300 professionals  $2,500
BUSINESS CONTINUITY PLUS *  3,900 professionals  $3,900
FULL LIST OF EM’S & BC’S  4,800 professionals  $4,800

* PLUS means the Prospect has identified themselves as PRIMARILY in that profession but also have an interest in other related fields.
** Per one hour of webinar broadcasting. Longer webinar broadcasting is subject to a surcharge.

Discounts Available to Current Sponsors

BRONZE level = 10% Discount
SILVER level = 15% Discount
GOLD level = 20% Discount
PLATINUM level = 25% Discount

Please note minimum webinar fee is $2,500

Turnkey Services

Webinars by J&J Expos is completely turnkey saving you valuable time and internal resources!

J&J provides the following services:

  • E-blast creative
  • E-blast send outs (minimum 2 interventions)
  • Social media posts (LinkedIn, Facebook, Twitter)
  • Dedicated landing page for your webinar
  • Practice webinar with your speakers
  • Registration of Delegates
  • Webinar Host (opening/closing & introduction of speakers)
  • Webinar Tech (on hand making sure everyone is connected)
  • Webinar facilitated via Zoom
  • Registered list of delegates sent within 24 hours
  • Webinar recording hosted on website for on-demand viewing (see on-demand webinars here)

Vendor to provide:

  • Product/service details to promote in e-blasts & on landing page
  • Speaker information (credentials, bio, picture etc.)
Call or email today to get your customized webinar started!

Dan Joyce, President
J&J Expositions Inc.
Mobile: 705-328-5323 (9-5 ET)

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