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2024 Planning Committee

Joe Ozorio, Chair

President – RIE Toronto

Message from the Chair

Hello all and welcome to our 8th annual Continuity & Resilience Today conference. I am both honoured and delighted to be chair of this year’s planning committee. First of all, a huge thanks to the primary architects of this, and the DEMCOM conference, Dan and April Joyce of J&J Expos. It is their drive and vision to make this one of the premier resiliency conferences in Canada that gives us as a BCM and resiliency professionals, the means to advance our profession and careers. I’m very excited about this year’s program as the committee has worked very hard to source speakers and subject-matter that are both intriguing and highly educational. Here you will hear topical subjects that will hopefully challenge conventional thinking and allow to see what’s at the forefront of our practice, like AI, the deep wedge of ransomware, thinking beyond the traditional BIA and so on. It is our fervent hope that you come away from this conference with at least two to three key takeaways that will help you in your jobs and professional careers. I hope too that you enjoy another one of the key benefits of in person conferences: networking with your peers to exchange information and ideas, or just to socialize and enjoy time away from the office! I want to thank our planning committee for putting this great program together: Alex Fullick, Gayle Mitcham, Sue Hilton, Liisa Rivest and Alex Monteiro. Lastly, thank you for attending this year and taking time out from your busy jobs to invest in your continuing education. 

Alex Fullick

Creator & Host
Preparing for the Unexpected

James Green

Illuminate Advisory

Sue Hilton

Manager, Business Continuity Management, ETS
Vice President & Programme Director – RIE Toronto

Liisa Logan-Rivest

Group Risk Specialist
TD Bank

Gayle Mitcham

Business Continuity Manager
Enterprise Continuity Management
Corporate Operational Risk Management
Sun Life Financial
Treasurer – RIE Toronto

Alex Monteiro

Business Continuity Manager
CIBC Mellon

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